TRAFFIC BUILDER HITOMETRYCredits are the basic currency used on their network and are exchanged for site reviews and visitors. Your credits are only used up when other members visit your site and review it. 1 Credit = 1 Visitor/Review. You can earn extra credits by reviewing other member's sites, by writing and reviewing articles or by referring visitors to us. When other members review your site(s), they give it a rating and a comment. These ratings are regularly averaged and multiplied by your Membership Level to produce an overall Site Rating. This Site Rating is used in the ranking of your site(s) in our listings and search engines. This is an excellent program to promote your site and also identify the strenghts and weaknesses of your website and it is available internationally.GREENSPONDERYou need hits, they have got hits. They will even give you 50 hits just for joining, for FREE! How's that for a deal!So what's the catch? Ok, so there's a catch. But it is super easy! All you do is set your browsers home page to the special link they send you and for every 3 times you open your browser, they send you a hit! Not just an ad or a banner view, an actual page view!And it get's better!You earn hits through a full 4 levels of referrals!International members are welcome.XERLULXerlul e-solutions offers 4 services to increase you traffic. Link-Ad (3 referral-levels). Ratio 1:3 - You show Link-Ad one time on your homepage and in return for that your link is shown 3 times !!! Additionaly your link is shown in each Link-Ad of your direct referrals ! Surf-Ad is a very small Java-window, which displays banners while you are online- in return for 100 banners you see, your banner is shown 70 times ! Donīt forget that you also profit from every refered member down to 4 levels. Exit-Ad (3 referral-levels).Each time a visitor leaves your homepage he is lead to another proper page - that means Exit-Ad adds to 100 visitors another 80 ! Banner-Ad (3 referral-levels).Banner-Ad is an exceptionally banner exchange service. Choose which kind of banners should appear on your homepage, and on which kind of homepages your banners should be shown. For each 100 banner-views on your homepage, you get in return for 80 banner-views of your banners !! All systems have a referral-system: That means you profit from every member you refer to because you get a bonus according to the members traffic ! Thatīs a chance to increase your traffic nearby to infinity, because you profit also from members which have been refered by your referrals.International users welcome.TRAFFIC COMMANDERMake TrafficCommander your browser start page, and then for every two times you launch your browser, you will view two member sites and earn one hit credit. TrafficCommander will then send one visitor to your web site. But it gets better because when you introduce a new member to TrafficCommander, every ten times they launch their browser they send a visitor to your web site. This happens to six levels. And there's more, we promote TrafficCommander extensively and when anyone joins through these promotions, they do not have a member referral ID#, we allocate these new members to existing members at random. So we will be helping you build your downline for FREE.TOPSURFEROnce you sign-up they give you a special link to set them your browsers HOME page. When you start your browser or surf with that link, you will be shown a random website of another member. For every 2 sites you visit, your site will be displayed once.And for every referral you send them they will give you another 100 Hits! Available internationally.WEBBIZINSIDER100 Free Credits Just for Signing Up! 1 Hit to Your Site for Viewing 2 Other Sites. 100 Free Credits for Each New Member You Refer. 10% of All Credits for 6 Levels of Referrals. They Help Build Your Downline With Their Advertising. No Login Required to Earn Credits. Available Internationally.LOADSHARKEach new member receives 20 FREE HITS just for joining and 10 hits for each new member directly referred. EVERY DAY they give away FREE TRAFFIC to their membership. When you surf the Exchange you earn a hit back to your site for every two you view, and you get the chance to win up to 1000 FREE HITS! Randomly inserted into the rotation are FREE SCRATCHERS! Just Scratch the ticket and win up to 1000 Hits. They also offer their members the chance to win an additional 1000 HITS every day in the LoadShark Lotto!THEMAINDOMAIN Join now and receive 100 credits. 50 credits per referral. 10% of your downlines credits (4 levels deep). You can even win credits.IPSPACEHow many sites you look through so many times your page will be visited by another users. Correlation 1:1. Unlimited links in one account. Reliable protection from cheats. 2-level referral system 10% and 5%. Convenient browser. Statistics for spend credits.HITSENSEHitsense can provide you free tools to drastically increase your website traffic. It is really quite simple, you visit 2 other members websites and you get a visit in return. 10 tier referral program (10%, 8%, 4%, 4%, 20%, 4%, 4%, 6%, 6%, 20%) 20 Credits for signing up. 30 Credits for referring someone. 1 2 3 4
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